The Meal | 1.5 Hours
Homemade pasta with simple, creamy sauce
Make the pasta dough
Put 3 cups of 00 flour onto a clean counter surface or very large cutting board
Spread the flour into a ring, like a volcano shape. Crack 3 eggs into the middle
Salt the eggs and then begin the scramble with a fork. The flour will slowly start to incorporate into the eggs
Continue to mix and bring more flour into the egg mixture from the sides, without breaking the ring of flour around the eggs. Once it starts to resemble a dough, finish incorporating the flour
If the dough is flaky and isn’t forming a solid mass, you can add spoonfuls of water, one at a time. If the dough is sticky, add a little bit of flour, but don’t overdo it
Once the dough is smooth and in a large ball, begin to knead. You can split it in half if you have two kneaders. To knead, fold the dough in half and turn it a quarter turn. Press out and down, and repeat by refolding, turning, and pressing.
The kneading will be done after 5-10 minutes. The gluten will be properly formed when you poke the top of the dough ball with your finger and it springs back to its previous shape. If the indent from your finger remains or doesn’t raise back quickly, you need to keep kneading
When you’re done kneading, wrap the dough tightly in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for 30+ minutes
Cut off the rinds and cube up 4-5 oz of Parmigiano Reggiano and 4-5 oz of Pecorino. Toss the cheese into a blender. Pulse blend until finely grated
Grind a lot (~1.5 tbsp) of fresh pepper into the blender. Set aside until pasta is cooked. We’ll add in pasta water after the pasta is cooked to form the sauce
Put on a medium pot of salted water to boil
Put 8 oz of pancetta into a hot frying pan. Stir occasionally. The pancetta is done once it’s crispy and browned on the outside - it should be similar to thick-cut bacon. Move to a paper towel-lined bowl once done
Take the pasta dough out of the fridge and roll it out using a rolling pin or use a pasta roller attachment to a Kitchenaid
This step is where you can make it your own! Roll the dough to your desired thinness and cut it to your desired skinniness. I like a pappardelle - this dough does well with wider noodles
Once you’ve cut the noodles and the water is at a rolling boil, put in the noodles. It should take 2-3 minutes to cook, but you will need to taste them to know when they are done. I’ve had it take more than 5 minutes before!
Take out the noodles and put them into a large bowl
Spoon a half-ladle full of pasta water into the blender and blend on low. You don’t want to add too much water, so add bit by bit until you reach the desired creaminess. You can also add a squirt of olive oil if you’re feeling saucy
Pour the sauce over the noodles and toss. Crack more pepper over the top, sprinkle a pinch of finishing salt, and top with the pancetta
Accompany with a side of arugula salad topped with goat cheese crumbles, sliced almonds, croutons, and a vinaigrette dressing. The pepper notes in the arugula will pair well with the pasta
Store-bought pasta is fine for this too. Look for bronze die-cut pasta, which has a better texture and will cling to the sauce
Chopped-up bacon can be subbed in for pancetta